Every Baptized Catholic should be confirmed as it completes our entrance in to the Church and makes us full members of the Church as the Holy Spirit comes upon us to guide and help us live out our baptismal commitment. To be a God Parent at Baptism or a Sponsor at confirmation, you have to be a Confirmed, practicing Catholic. You cannot sponsor someone if you are not a full member yourself. Please spread the word about this program and anyone interested in joining the adult group is asked to sign the tab below and put it in the collection. Also, to be married in the church, one of the couple should be a Confirmed Catholic.
RCIA, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
This process of becoming a full member of the Catholic Church runs from September through the Easter Vigil each year, approximately seven months. We meet Wednesday evening from 6:30 – 7:30 PM in the Church.
This process is done in conjunction with other people wishing to join the Catholic Church and current Blessed Sacrament parishioners.
Through prayer and study an adult is led to a deeper understanding and knowledge of Jesus and the faith we profess as Catholics. It is directed toward the possible decision to become a full member of the Catholic community. Those who are looking to join the Church and have not been baptized are known as “Catechumens,” while those who have already been baptized in another Christian tradition are called “Candidates” for membership in the Church.
With their sponsors and parish community providing support and prayer, the Catechumens and candidates embark on RCIA’s 4-stage process:
- Pre-Catechumenate: A period of inquiry where faith stories are shared with the people who will be guiding the process, sponsors, and parishioners.
- Catechumenate: Participants are formally enrolled and begin a period of study of Christ, Church, scriptures, sacraments, and daily living in the Catholic community.
- Enlightenment: A time of Spiritual preparation during Lent, to consider one’s readiness to celebrate the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) at Easter
- Mystagogy: After Initiation at Easter, the group spends the season of Easter deepening the Christian experience, growing spiritually, and entering more fully into the life of the Church.
To register for RCIA, please contact the parish office at 518-482-3375.
Adult Confirmation
For Catholic adults who have not been confirmed, we have a 10-week class each year which culminates with Confirmation in December. This class is especially suited for those who would like to be able to accept the duty of being a godparent. To learn more and to sign up for this class, please contact the parish office e at 518-482-3375.