The 2023 Fall Family Festival is scheduled for Saturday, September 30th in the school gym, with games for kids, events for adults, and food for all!
Brooks BBQ Chicken tickets are currently on sale for $20 per meal.
And the big raffle tickets for the $1,000 winner (and five runners up!) will be on sale soon! There are even awards for the seller of the winning ticket (even if you sold it to yourself) and for the most tickets sold!
The virtual silent auction has become one of the most popular ways to participate. You can help! We’ve sent a mailing to many vendors in the area seeking prizes. If you know any businesses that might be interested in donating prizes in return for advertising on our website, we have fliers explaining how to participate. Maybe you or someone you know can donate a basket or prize packages to be auctioned? We had some lovely prizes last year: jewelry, women’s accessories, themed baskets, event and dinner tickets, and much more. Please help us make this an even bigger event this year! More information about bidding will be coming in August. Also, tickets for the famous Brooks BBQ are available after Masses or at the rectory or school offices for $20/meal.