Adult Confirmation
For adults who have not been confirmed, we are happy to help with preparation, often inviting you to join into discussions with RCIA/OCIA candidates for baptism as adults on Sunday mornings from Fall until the Spring. To learn more and to sign up for this class, please contact us.
Youth Confirmation
Our parish is continuously striving to meet the ongoing needs of our youth. Our Confirmation program works with both the candidate and the sponsor to help deepen their relationship, faith and appreciation for the Sacraments.
Our Confirmation program consists not only faith formation sessions, but also community building, retreats, reconciliation, prayer, liturgies and service opportunities.
Sign up HERE!
For more information, please contact Ms. Meghan Pannone at 518-482-3375 or e-mail
Faith Formation Calendar 2023-2024 | ||
9/17 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
10/15 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
10/29 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
11/5 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
11/19 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
12/3 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
12/17 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
12/17 | Christmas Pageant | church |
1/7 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
1/21 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
2/4 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
2/10 | FIRST Reconciliation RETREAT 11:00-3:00 pm | gym |
2/17 | First Reconciliation Service 3pm (first of three options) | church |
2/24 | First Reconciliation Service 3pm (second of three options) | church |
2/25 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
3/2 | First Reconciliation Service 3pm (last of three options) | church |
3/3 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am | gym/school |
3/24 | 9am MASS AND CLASS until 11:30am (LAST SESSION) | gym/school |
4/6 | FIRST Eucharist RETREAT 11:00-3:00 am | gym |
4/27 | First Eucharist Rehearsal 1:30-2:30pm | church |
4/28 | First Eucharist Ceremony 9am mass | church |