THIRD ORDER FRANCISCANS: Meet on the third Sunday of each Month after the 9:00 Mass in the Church.
OVER 50: For information, contact Anne Snyder at 518-869-5247.
HOLY NAME SOCIETY: The Holy Name Society prays for the success of the parish programs and helps to support them financially through 50/50 raffles. Tickets are available in the Sacristy before or after Mass. New members are always welcome.
ROSARY GUILD: For more information, please click here.
RECITATION OF THE ROSARY: Prayer during May & October, 1/2 hour before each Sunday Mass. Also Tuesdays & Thursdays after the noon Mass (by a group distinct from the parish).
DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: Prayed during the season of Lent 1/2 hour before the Sunday Masses & at 1:15 Tuesday & Thursday.
THE LEGION OF MARY: For more information, click here. The Legion is a spiritual organization that is centered upon the Glory of God and the sanctification of its members. It is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church with well over 3 million active members around the world.
The Legion of Mary makes its members better Catholics, through prayer and service in union with the Holy Spirit, through Mary, Mother of the Church. It gives its members an opportunity to do something positive for the Church while at the same time deepens their spiritual life and strengthens their Catholic faith.
In addition to the numerous spiritual and mental benefits of praying the Rosary, the Legion of Mary helps its members grow closer to Jesus and Mary, His Mother.
The Legion of Mary is open to anyone who would like to draw closer to Jesus and Mary. Membership will increase and strengthen your Catholic faith, deepen your prayer life and make you a devout Catholic while developing close Catholic friendships.
The Legion of Mary
“Mary, Our Lady of Light” Praesidium
Blessed Sacrament Church
Albany, NY
For further information, please contact Mrs. Marcy Hill at 518-637-6311.