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Blessed Sacrament Church is a Roman Catholic Parish committed to worshiping God and serving Jesus Christ.
Visit Our Parishes
Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Office Hours
Weekdays 9 am - 4pm, Closed Civil HolidaysSchool Snow Days - Food Pantry Closed & Mass Cancelled
The church is open daily from 7 am - 2 pm for private prayer.
Mass Times
607 Central Avenue
Albany, NY 12206
(518) 482-3375
Office Hours
Weekdays 9 am - 4pm, Closed Civil Holidays
The church is open daily from 7 am - 2 pm for private prayer.
Mass Times
- Monday - 7:00 am
- Tuesday - 12 Noon
(12:30 Adoration, Confession, & Benediction at 1:30pm) - Wednesday - 8:15 am (school days) 7:00 am(non school days)
- Thursday - 12 Noon
(12:30 Adoration, Confession, & Benediction at 1:30pm) - Fridays of Lent: Noon, followed by Stations of the Cross
- First Saturdays - 7:30 Adoration
9:00 Mass Coffee Hour - Saturday Anticipated Mass - 4:00 pm
- Sunday - 9:00am,
- 6:00 pm in Urdu
Faith Formation Every Other Sunday:
10:00 am-11:15 am
Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Americas
273 Central Avenue
Albany, NY 12206
(518) 465-3685
- Sunday 9:00 am - English
- Sunday 11:00 am - Spanish
- Friday 6:30 pm - Spanish