The Blessed Sacrament Faith Formation Program is a program created to help children and young adults grow deeper in their faith and love for God. It also serves as a pathway to help your children make their First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and their Confirmation.
Sign up HERE!
Our program meets twice a month after 9 AM Mass (from about 10 to 11:30) We first eat breakfast together and then break out into small groups based on age. We also have monthly parent sessions during the break out times. Our program runs from September through Easter, and is led by our Faith Formation Director Lisanne Jensen, Coordinator Shannon Crisafulli, and a team of dedicated and knowledgeable catechists.
Please use the link above to sign up for our upcoming year and to be added to the e-mail list for upcoming events and updates!
Would you like to help with breakfasts on Sunday mornings at faith formation?
Would you like to serve as a catechist or a catechist-in-training?
Would you like to help with the Christmas Pageant, or with some other project for our young people?
Please feel free to reach out to Lisanne Jensen, including if you have any questions or concerns! You can contact her and Shannon by e-mailing or the parish secretary at (518) 482-3375.